Non-Toxic, No residue, How Does This Stuff Work??


For decades we have relied on harsh chemicals to control soft bodied pests like mites and aphids. 

The majority of the chemical groups involved (Abamectin, synthetic Pyrethroids, Carbamates, Organophosphates, Dicofols) attack the nervous system of the bug either blocking it or overstimulating it to kill the bug. These chemicals are either absorbed by contact, ingested by the bug, or move systemically through the plant and are ingested by the bug when it eats the plant.

Now we have a new way to attack these pests, OSMOSLAY.

OSMOSLAY is a mixture of ingredients including surfactants, penetrants, and osmoregulatory molecules. None of the ingredients are deadly poisons, in fact, the combination is about as toxic as dishwashing liquid. It’s not recommended, but you would literally need to eat one 5ml vial of undiluted OSMOSLAY per kg of your bodyweight to poison yourself! That is about half as poisonous as table salt. 

So, if it’s not poisonous how does it kill bugs? Thats the clever part. OSMOSLAY operates with a physical mode of action, it doesn’t kill bugs by poisoning them. It kills bugs by interfering with their ability to regulate how much water is in their cells.

Have you ever done the experiment where you float a needle on water, then add a drop of detergent, and watch it sink? This happens because you have decreased the surface tension of the water. Imagine you are take a cell. Its like a bag full of the tools it requires to function. The bag is the cell membrane. Its a complicated bag and keeps whats in the cell seperate to whats out of the cell. For the cell to live lots of things need to be able to pass in and out of the cell. Controlling this is complicated, but all you need to know is this system is based on water. When we apply OSMOSLAY it interferes with the basic properties of water, and everything goes wrong. Terribly wrong. Even worse, OSMOSLAY also contains osmoregulatory molecules that effectively suck the water out of the bug. 

So, now we have a bug that can’t hold on to water. And molecules are stealing all of the water out of the bug. And it all evaporates. And the bug dies.

No poison, no residue, no with holding period.

So how is that plant safe? Luckily for the plant, plant cell walls and structures are different enough that with just the right recipe OSMOSLAY can create a set of conditions that don’t hurt the plant while they kill the bug.

Thats why it says all over the label that you must use it at exactly the right concentration. OSMOSLAY is not a poison. it creates a condition that kills bugs, every time, but only for a short time and only if its at the right concentration.


How Does It Work?

Non-Toxic, No residue, How Does This Stuff Work??



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