I have lots of bugs, if I double the concentration will it work twice as well?

NO! Please only apply OSMOSLAY at the Label rate. 5ml to make 10 Litres. The mode of action requires the dilution to be exactly right. If you make it stronger it will possibly kill your plants and not the bugs!!


I have a fungus gnat problem, can I use OSMOSLAY as a root drench to kill the larvae?

If you drench OSMOSLAY it will most likely kill fungus gnat juvenile. However, this is not what the product is designed for and it may cause damage to the plants roots. I would recommend a different approach for soilborne pests.


I sprayed OSMOSLAY and it didn’t work…

If you applied OSMOSLAY and it didn’t work:

  1. Was it diluted correctly?
  2. Did you apply it to run off as a small droplet making sure to spray up underneath surfaces and into hiding places?
  3. Did you consult the pest information for your target pest to make sure you were applying OSMOSLAY to break the lifecycle? remember it can’t target eggs or pupae.
  4. How long was the OSMOSLAY diluted? Once you add water you have a maximum of 3 days to apply OSMOSLAY before it breaks down.
  5. Did the bug fly away? Unfortunately it is hard to target flying pests sufficiently to totally control them. The best option is regular application to kill all of the non-flying larva stages to break the lifecycle.

There are no reports of resistance to OSMOSLAY, so most likely, the reason it didn’t appear to work was something simple. Good Luck.


What is the active ingredient? Is this just another repacked Abamectin? Or some other old fashioned active in a new bottle?

OSMOSLAY is not another repack of anything. There is nothing like this product on the market anywhere.

OSMOSLAY has a unique osmoregulatory mode of action. The unique combination of non-corrosive surfactants, penetrants and proprietary ingredients combine to create a situation where the pests are unable to retain water. This physical mode of action quickly and effectively kills pests. Once the plant is dry there is no chemical left. You can reintroduce beneficial predators immediately.

Can I spray OSMOSLAY on my chickens to kill mites on their feathers?

No. This has not been tested, and is definitely not recommended. In fact, this behaviour would be strongly discouraged. The application of an unregistered chemical to a live animal would be unethical at best and most likely illegal.

Something went wrong, I have OSMOSLAY all over me, What do I do?

Wash yourself, clothes, safety equipment immediately with large quantities of water. Once clean remove equipment, contact lenses, everything, and have a long shower. Wash all exposed areas with soap and water for several minutes. Seek medical advice if feeling unwell. Irritation of eyes or skin can be treated symptomatically. See doctor if irritation persists. There are no specific antidotes, treat symptomatically.


How Does It Work?

Non-Toxic, No residue, How Does This Stuff Work??



What do you mean non-toxic?

It kills bugs by disrupting water balance, that sounds toxic...



Plant Pest Information

There is more to pest control than a quick spray. Know your enemy. Read more to learn to effectively target specific pests...



Poultry Pest Information

Relieve your pets from the constant discomfort of mites, happy hens lay more eggs!